Mindful Monday

Dear families,

Many of you may already know, last year Mindful Monday was introduced to our weekly program. Practicing mindfulness weekly is incredibly empowering for children. It can help them better manage stress and anxiety when it does occur. It helps with self-regulation, promotes positive emotions and self-compassion.

Our mindful program will aim to focus on the following aspects:

  • Encourage creativity
  • Create healthy self-esteem
  • Balance one’s energy
  • Assist with understanding one’s thoughts and feelings
  • Promote positive social skills

To start off our Mindfulness Monday’s, we will be doing a 10 minute kids yoga/stretching exercise. We feel this will be a great way for the children to participate in a group experience, especially after sport. It will be a good opportunity to stretch their muscles, as well as providing a calm experience that will have a positive effect on their mood. We will also be incorporating other mindfulness activities every week to boost the quality of our children’s lives in numerous ways.

If parents have any suggestions in which they can suggest to facilitate our Mindfulness program, would be greatly encouraged!