This term, we will be focusing on a group Educational Project. This is something we will work on regularly together. Our project will include many different fun and exciting, educational experiences.
Our Educational Project is going to focus on, Healthy Living. This topic covers multiple different aspects of Healthy living, some areas we will focus mainly on are, Healthy Eating, Exercise and also Mindfulness.
Our goal, is to look at all of these tools and techniques in different areas of Healthy Living and how the children can incorporate them into their daily lives, at home and at school.
We started our project with a mind-map activity, full of ideas from everyone. This experience gave us a great idea of what knowledge the boys have about the topic and gave them a chance to share some of their ideas and facts with each-other.
Next week, we are hoping to try some children’s mindfulness exercises and discuss the benefits of this in our daily lives.
Learning Outcome: 3.2 Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical well-being.