The children have been focusing on sustainability, and part of sustainability is providing care and nurture to our physical and natural environments. The children had lots of fun as a whole group experience by participating in cleaning out our herb and fruit/vegetable patch.
Regularly the children get involved in watering our garden, this is seen as special treat, allowing all of the children a chance to gather the hose and water our plants, with supervision of our lovely educators as well.
The children all got involved in getting their hands dirty as they were asked to re-positioned the fruit/vegetable and herbs neatly, weekly maintenance is important to nurture and up keep of our vegetable patch. We cleaned out the shrubs and leaves that were building up in our garden, and monitor the growth of our garden, the children were amazed to see that our fruit/vegetable and herb garden was growing nicely.
The children had planted tomato’s, cucumbers, blue berries, strawberries, spring onions, and herbs such as rosemary, and with regular care and nurture from the staff and children we have watch our plants thrive and grow.
Learning out come: 2 Children are connected with and contribute to their world. 2.1, 2.4
Learning outcome: 3 Children have a strong sense of well being: 3.2
Learning outcome: 4 Children are involved learners: 4.1,4.2, 4.3,4.4.