This week the children have been continue their fun in learning about sustainability, we have been going through the essential requirements about recycling and re-using materials, so the children have been participating in using their creative abilities to develop various objects using materials such as strings, feathers, glue, cup cake holders, cotton buds and leaves which we gathered from outside. As well re-using play dough, the children enjoy creating various animals and even fruit with the modeling dough.
I have seen some very impressive artworks and many different creative objects that the children have been creating. This project will be available for the children to explore daily, as it allows the children to revisit the experience when they please.
The decided they wanted to participate in making slime, two other children wanted to also joined so we made this to be a small group experience, I have documented this with a few photos in which allowing the children to use necessary materials required to make their slime mixture, we use a plastic cup, PVA glue, various coloured paint/glitter as the special mixture to make it turn into slime, they used paddle pop sticks to stir the mixture till it became slimy.
The children were amazed at the formation of the slime and they had fun getting their hands dirty to manipulate with the mixture.

Learning outcome 4: children are confident and involved learners.