For the last few weeks, the children have been focusing on Sustainability, recycling and re using old materials and creating lovely craft experiences, with re using natural materials that we located outside.
This week we will be focusing on the life cycle of plants and animals, we began the week by having a discussion about what is required to grow plants, the children were quite inquisitive about the different plants so together we researched different plants and natural environment in which they thrive and grow.
To further extend on the this idea the children have been completing a stencil on the life cycle of a bean plant, the idea is that they had to cut out the words and paste them to the corresponding picture. The children have enjoyed completing this experience and leaning how it starts as a seedling then turns into a bean growing roots and then the stem and finally turning into a flower.

Learning Outcome: 2, Children are connected with and contribute to their world. 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4
Learning Outcome:4, Children are involved learners 4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4