As the weather is getting warmer, and the days are now longer, we are focused on providing adequate time for outdoor play.
The educators ensure that the children have a variety of different outdoor experiences to engage in, and with the introduction of the trampoline the children are enjoying that also. We provide the children with a variety of ball sets, such as basket ball, cricket, tennis, soccer and handball. They also love riding the tricycles which they often get the chance to do so.
More importantly, Outdoor play allows the children to extend on their gross motor skills, agility and strength, which is important for health and well being, allowing the children to work in small or whole groups experiences allows them the freedom to be involved in structured activities, and also use their imaginations to create their own play scenarios. It is fun for the educators as well as we like to get involved with playing soccer and hand ball.
Sun safety is always a prime factor in which we take into account, so the children know they must wear their wide brimmed hats and apply sunscreen before going outside.

Learning Outcome: 3, Children have a strong sense of well being 3.1,3.2