The Children have shown a keen interest in board games, One in particular has been a favourite is Snakes and Ladders, This is a 4 person game, and the aim is to get to 100 on the board, which is on the top without landing on a snake, which will only side you down the board, the aim is to land on the ladders which will allow the player to move up on the board.
This game allows the children to use their counting abilities, follow rules and also apply patience and turn taking. and it has been quite popular since introduce to the children a week ago.
To follow though i have been placing this game out daily so the children can extend on their interest as well exploring other games of interest, which has been scrabble and monopoly, which also allows the children to use their thinking skills for spelling to add words and extend on words with jumble letters and mathematics to count money and provide change to their players.

Learning Out come: 4 Children are Confident and involved learners
Learning Outcome: 5 Children effective communicators