On Monday the children had a lovely afternoon at the park as part of their end of year excursion, The children were given sunscreen and were all advised to wear the white wide brim hats before walking over to the park.
The Children were so keen and enthusiastic for an afternoon of fun and play, they were briefed however on safety measures, such as looking out for cars, to walk not run and to stay with the educators at all times.
Once we arrived at the park the children were free to wonder off to the climbing obstacles, swings and slides. and also they enjoyed climbing the big fort and slide down the long pole, with educators supervision and care.
We also offered afternoon tea down at the park which the children enjoyed the picnic style platter that was offered to them before going back to the park for further fun and play. We arrived back to Scots Collage at 5pm for parent pick up.

Learning Outcome: 2 Children are connected with and contribute to their world 2.1,2.4
Learning Outcome: 5 Children are effective communicators 5.1,5.3