This week the children have been engaging in various experiences incorporating Dinosaurs, As it has been noted that the Scots children love animals, particularly Dinosaurs, i thought i would be a great to focus on Dinosaurs as this weeks topic.
The children were super excited to start the week with cracking Dinosaur eggs and discovering the small baby dinosaurs that were inside the egg. The Children eagerly gathered at the craft table, they were all given a clay egg, chipping tools and a cup of water.
They were encouraged to dip their egg in the cup of water to soften the clay, they waited 5 minutes in that time they were asked to engage in other activities so their clay egg would soften, making the experience easier. When they returned, they began chipping away at their Dinosaur egg, this was a whole group experience with all of the children taking part.
This was a messy experience, but the children loved it regardless. They all chipped at their Dinosaur egg and discovered a different specie of Dinosaur in their egg, This was great experience as they got to take their small Dinosaurs home afterwards.
We also had a big slab of clay, this time the children were being archaeologist in this experience, they were ask to slowly and carefully chip at the big slab of clay, and dust of any excess clay, inside there were Dinosaur bones, This has been a week long project as its not quite as easy as uncovering their Dino eggs, this time they had to slowly clip away until their uncovered all of the Dinosaur bones, once uncovered they can build their 3 D bones of a Dinosaur, making the experience more interesting and fun for the children.

Learning Outcome:4 – Children are confident and Involved learners 4.2- Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating.