Exercise Friday.
- 10 Star jumps x 3
- Run on a spot for 15 seconds x 3
- 10 side kicks on each side
- 10 sit ups
- 10 push ups
- 10 second plank
Physical Activity Guidelines for Kids
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) recommends at least one hour of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity a day for kids ages 6 to 17, ideally including both aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises.
Creative Painting.
Apply your creative self expression to painting, and be as creative as you you can be.
Painting is a way for children to do many important things: convey ideas, express emotion, use their senses, explore color, explore process and outcomes, and create aesthetically pleasing works and experiences.
Friday Games Night
Enjoy a night of games of your choice, either a card game, board game, or just simply playing tips outside to get our bodies moving.
Playing fun family games has lots of benefits. Your child can learn a variety of skills such as turn-taking, teamwork and patience, while having fun! Playing traditional family games can be great fun for you and your child. They’ll start to learn to share, take turns and learn to lose.
Learning Outcomes
1 Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence ans sense of agency
2 Children become aware of fairness
3 Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical well being
4 Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies, and natural and processed materials.
5 Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media.