This week the children have enjoyed participating in various activities and games as part of our ‘Active Minds’ theme. This focuses on physical, cognitive and creativeness aspects through play and learning. The boys challenged themselves with a game of Connect Four, engaged in some colour by number worksheets, and learned to create origami pieces such as Pokemon and minecraft characters. On Thursday, the boys unlocked their passion and had a go at creating interesting pieces using Plasticine. We let their imagination soar and allowed them to express themselves with a distinct variety of colours and shapes to build their work of art.
The outdoor program centred around different activities to help build the children’s fine and gross motor skills. The boys played a game of poison ball, red light/green light, and numerous rounds of tip.

L.O.1.1 – Children feel safe, secure and supported
LO.1.3 – Children develop knowledgeable and confident self identities
L.O.4.2 – Children use a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating