COVID-19 can effect everyone, those with prexisting medical conditions are at greater risk of experiencing serious illness.
Arthritis & COVID-19:
If you have arthritis and use immuno-suppressant medication, the most important thing you can do is follow your care plan, and attend regular appointments with your health management team. In addition, you should also do the following:
- Take your medications as prescribed by your doctor, and do not introduce new medications or stop current medications unless advised.
- If you have any concerns, phone your GP or specialist as soon as possible.
- Ensure you are up to date with all vaccinations.
- If you live alone, make arrangements to have a friend, family member or neighbour assist if needed.
- Ensure you refill your prescriptions 10-14 days prior to your supply being exhausted. Keep up to date with your repeats, and stay in regular contact with your pharmacist.
- If you go to hospital, take your medications with you.
- Be active. Reduce long periods of sitting, walk up and down stairs and engage in general household work such as gardening or cleaning.