Our Grandparents and elderly members of the community are important to us. Being in this demographic is considered some of the most vulnerable in our community. Here is some information to help protect yourself against COVID-19 if you are over 65.
What to do:
- Stay home: When possible stay at home, seek assistance from family members less vulnerable. If you need to go out, stay 1.5 metres away from others, avoid public transport and wear a mask.
- Help from others: If you can ask family, friends or neighbours to bring you food or medication. Register for Woolworths priority assistance for your grocery deliveries. Remember to practice 1.5 metre social distancing when coming in contact with others.
- Keep healthy: Get the flu vaccine (over 65’s it’s free) and keep regular health appointments
- Prevent injury: Ensure your home is free of clutter and trip hazards as well as well lit.
- Feeling unwell: Seek medical care, phone your GP or in an emergency, 000.
- Stay informed: Use trusted information, NSW Health or your GP.
Healthy Hygiene:
- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm soapy water.
- Use an alcohol based hand rub when unable to wash your hands.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. Place tissues in the bin immediately, and wash your hands.
- Avoid touching your face, mouth, nose and eyes.
- Social distance, 1.5 metres away from others.
To keep updated:
- Phone the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080
- Visit NSW Health’s website: www.health.nsw.gov.au
- Visit NSW Government website: www.nsw.gov.au
- Free interpreter service: Phone 13 14 50