With our news headlines once again reporting on COVID-19, we would like to ensure our families are all aware of our support and how we can help you and your children. We like to think of ourselves as an extension of your family, our service as a home away from home for your children.
Ways you can support your children:
- Encourage time away from the TV & News, this is a perfect time for the children to get active outside, kick a ball in the backyard.
- Practice Mindfullness. This could include 10 minutes of YOGA, 5 minute breathing or quiet activities such as colouring in, puzzles and beading.
- Use emotive language. Children respond to hearing emotions used in everyday conversations and being able to connect an emotion to a thought.
- Start a conversation,dinner time is perfect for a daily reflection. Share your thoughts on the day, and ask open ended questions. E.g. “I had a great day today with my friend for coffee, we were laughing and shared what we did on the weekend. How was your day, what made you happy today?”
Ways you can support other adults:
- Check-in with your friends and family. For some of us this will mean phone calls, video calls and text messages. Take the step to ask a loved one, Are You OK? This may even help you!
- Practice Mindfullness at the same time with your children. Even 10 minutes of calming can assist in positivity throughout the day.
- Getting a restful night. Having a regular bedtime, and routine can assist in better sleep. This will set the tone for waking up the next morning ready to tackle the day. Extending on this, try reading before bed instead of using technology.
- Recording our thoughts. Writing down a snapshot of your day, emotions and thoughts and reflecting on our day can help with managing emotions.
How we can support you:
- Listening. We are here to help, support and be there for you and your children. We encourage parents to discuss their children’s day with all educators, finding out how much fun they had and how we can better their days.
- Adding casual bookings. If you need some time to get organised, attend appointments, do your grocery shopping, we have vacancies and are happy to have your children for an extra session. Phone the centre directly, or contact Head Office in 9526 7000.
- Providing Support from other Organisations. Below we have included a list of phone numbers, hotlines and websites where you are able to chat with somebody, and better understand how to manage our emotions.
Organisations you can contact:
- Lifeline: 13 11 14
- Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
- Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
- Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
- Shire Therapy Group, Children’s Counselling Service: 02 8515 0666