A big part of being at after school care is not only providing the care required until your child is picked up, we provide a wide range of experiences that are based on intentional teaching and extending on their interests.
We have also introduced Homework as part of their indoor play experiences, This allows children adequate time to complete their set tasks in a safe and nurturing environment.
This week we saw only the older children bring out their set homework tasks, this will be part of the Oosh program permanently, so we are hoping to see all of the children taking the time to complete their homework.
We have also seen a lot of children engage in reading, Children who do not have homework to do are encouraged to take time out and pick a book of their choice either from Oosh’s collection or from the library, given that they return the book after they are done reading it.
Please encourage your children to feel comfortable to bring their Homework folders to Oosh, educators are always present to provide guidance and help where necessary.

Learning Outcome: 4 Children are confident and involved learners: