Erupting with Fun Volcanoes
Volcanoes are truly a lava fun.

Fill a plastic cup two-thirds of the way full with water and add five tablespoons of baking soda, one teaspoon of dish soap, and several drops of washable paint. Mix the materials together, put the cup on the ground, and form a mound of dirt or snow around the cup to just below its rim. Now comes the fun! Add one cup of vinegar and watch the lava erupt down the side of the mound. You can add vinegar a number of times until you need to add the base ingredients again.
Freeze Dance Rhyme Dance

Crank the tunes and let the dancing begin. Unlike the regular game though, when the music stops, a designated person calls out a word. If the other dancer(s) can’t respond with a word to rhyme with it within a designated time period (say five to 10 seconds), that person is out.
Balance Building

Pick uneven or unstable objects such as cards, paper cups, or rocks and challenge your kids to build as high as they can or in various shapes.
Lets see how many different objects in your house you can find to balance with. Challenge yourself!
- Learning Outcome 1: Children feel safe, secure, and supported.
- Learning Outcome 2: Children develop their autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency.
- Learning Outcome 3: Children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities.
- Learning Outcome 4: Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect