make something with Paper mache.
Prepare your paper mache strips. Tear some newspaper into strips that are about 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm) wide and 6 to 8 inch (15.2 to 20.3 cm) long. This will make the newspaper lay nice and flat on the balloon. You will need to prepare many of these strips of paper so that you have enough to cover your balloon in several layers.
Choose a shape for your pinata. Make your pinata whatever you like! The easiest shape to make is an oblong sphere based on a balloon form, but you can create anything you want.[3]
- To create a more elaborate shape, tape or glue cardstock, and cardboard onto your balloon form.
- Traditional pinatas are made with a ceramic pot as the form, but these can be messy and dangerous. Stick with a pliable form made from paper products.
Inflate your balloon. This will form the body of your pinata, so make sure you make it nice and big. Round balloons are preferable because they will create a larger space for all of the candy. You may also use a box if you prefer a square shape for your pinata. Add any additional shapes to make legs, arms, tails, snouts, hats etc, using cardboard, newspaper or construction paper. Tape these shapes on with masking tape or clear tape

then begin to add the shredded newspaper and decorate it, once completed deflate the balloon and add your goodies inside. Have fun.
Balloon Volley Ball.
If you have any balloons in your house, why don’t you blow them up and play Balloon Volley ball, making sure the balloon does not fall to the ground. This is how you will keep score.

Balloon Painting.

Painting with Balloons is a great activity for kids to explore creatively and imaginatively as they create freely using simple props in an open-ended and unstructured way. It also makes a great sensory activity as children use their hands to manipulate the paint and balloons to create patterns and prints onto paper.
Learning Outcomes:
Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity.
Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners.